News Room

2018 Apprenticeship Training Schedule

Build skills, build your career, and advance in your union and on the job.  Here are the 2018 training opportunities for apprentices participating in the NJ Construction Craft Laborers Apprenticeship Program.  Remember, pay raises and advancement to journeyworker status are based on the completion of required courses.  Plan ahead and sign-up today.  Please register at the facility where you will attend class.  All numbers are provided below.

Portal Bridge replacement is good news for NJ and region

Published by: NJ LECET on 10/12/2017

Replacing the 110-year-old Portal Bridge over the Hackensack River will soon be a reality, bringing great relief to the tens of thousands of rail commuters who travel across the span and have suffered through countless delays attributable to the aging infrastructure.In a region so dependent on publi...

LIUNA Backs Joe Cryan for State Senate

Published by: NJ Laborers PAC on 01/12/2017

LIUNA Backs Joe Cryan for State SenateThe Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), the 25,000-member political powerhouse in New Jersey has announced its support for Joe Cryan
for State Senate in New Jersey’s 20th Legislative District.  LIUNA Vice President and Eastern Regi...

Pocino: “Lt. Governor Guadagno trusts politicians more than the public”

Published by: NJ LECET on 11/01/2016

MONROE TWP., NEW JERSEY – “I can’t figure out if Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno’s call to vote no on public question # 2 is an act of political opportunism and dishonesty or simply a dereliction of duty. Either way, it is wrong. Public Question # 2 gives voters the power to ensure that mon...

LIUNA Backs Phil Murphy for Governor

Published by: NJ Laborers PAC on 10/11/2016

The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), the 25,000-member political powerhouse in New Jersey has announced its support for Phil Murphy for governor. To follow is a statement from LIUNA Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager Raymond M. Pocino.

“For New Jersey to trul...

Apprenticeship registration closes Oct. 28, 2016

Published by: NJCCLAP on 10/06/2016

The New Jersey Construction Craft Laborers’ Apprenticeship Program is accepting Apprentice applications. The Applicant must:·    Be 18 years of age or older.·    Be physically able to perform the work of the trade.·    Possess a valid and curren...

Raymond M. Pocino Statement on TTF Agreement

Published by: NJ LECET on 09/30/2016

New Jersey is a transportation state. Our economy and quality of life depends on a safe and efficient transportation system, something our residents and businesses need and deserve, something that needed to get done. I am grateful an agreement has been made to fund the Transportation Trust Fund...

CONTRACTOR NOTICE: NJBLDC market recovery opportunity

Published by: NJBLDC on 07/18/2016

 The NJ Building Laborers District Council, LIUNA Local 3, is offering a market-recovery subsidy to bidders for the attached project.  Signatory contractors to NJBLDC are encouraged to apply.New Milford Police Headquarters ProjectFor more information, please call Local 3 at 908-354-0910. &...

LIUNA members take their call for a TTF fix directly to Sweeney, Kean

Published by: NJ LECET on 07/06/2016

Statement from Raymond M. Pocino: "We are here today to ask for help"“Dozens of LIUNA members have converged on the district offices of State Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senate Minority Leader Thomas Kean, Jr.  LIUNA’s goal is to implore the two leaders to work together to fix New Je...

LIUNA’s Raymond M. Pocino statement on TTF deal

Published by: NJ LECET on 06/30/2016

The TTF goes bankrupt at midnight tonight. Weeks and months of discussion had led to viable options to fully fund the TTF and provide much-needed tax relief to the citizens of this state: the Assembly passed a bipartisan bill the Governor said he would sign and Senators Oroho and Sarlo develope...


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